我国粮食产量连续8年稳定在1.3万亿斤以上 -凯发平台


[来源:新湖南客户端] 2022-12-14 11:46:16


this aerial photo shows farmers harvesting corn in naiman banner of tongliao city, north china's inner mongolia autonomous region, oct. 13, 2022. (xinhua/lian zhen)

china has seen another year with a bumper grain harvest despite the impact of extreme weather and covid-19, official data showed on monday.


the country's grain output totaled about 686.53 billion kg this year, up 0.5 percent or 3.68 billion kg compared to 2021, according to the national bureau of statistics (nbs).


this is the eighth consecutive year for china to register a grain harvest of over 650 billion kg.


the harvest this year was not easily achieved. the rainy autumn in north china last year had postponed the planting of winter wheat, while extreme hot weather this year hit many southern regions.


to galvanize farmers to grow grain, the central government continued to raise the minimum purchase price of wheat and rice, and maintained grain subsidy policies in 2022.


the central government also allocated emergency funds for agricultural production and water conservancy relief to help local governments with agricultural production.



杂交水稻 hybrid rice

粮食安全 food security

耕地 arable land

保护性耕作面积 conservational tillage area

